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Buy Bing Ads Account


What You’ll Get In Account

  • Full active and verified account
  • Used real, dedicated, and unique IP address at the time of verification
  • Totally new account, never used before
  • With Click and Impression
  • With Billing Verified
  • Any Campaign Can Run

What We Deliver To You

  • Full Accounts Details
  • All Login Information
  • 24/7 Supports

What is Bing Ads

Google, Yahoo!, and Bing are the three most popular search engines in the world. Bing is a Microsoft product that was released in 2009 as a competitor to Google.

Google’s market share was at 67% as of December 2016, while Bing had about 4% and Yahoo had about 28%. Like Google, Bing also has a web-based ad campaign platform called “Bing Ads” that allows advertisers to reach their target audience.

Like Google Adwords and other PPC (pay per click) platforms, all you need is an account on the Bing Ads website to start advertising your business online.

A study by eMarketer found that there was a lack of awareness among marketers regarding the platform. Bing Ads is not as popular as Google Adwords, but it’s definitely worth looking into!

Benefits of Using Bing Ads

Benefits of Using Bing Ads

There are many reasons why you should give Bing Ads a try. First of all, since there are fewer advertisers using the platform, the competition is much lower than Google Adwords. As a result, you can receive more clicks at a lower cost per click (CPC).

Another benefit of using Bing Ads is the advanced targeting options which are similar to what you will find on Facebook and Twitter. For example, you can target consumers who are between the ages of 20-40 who are engaged, have an interest in golf, and live in the United States.

This is possible by creating a custom audience of users based on their browsing history, demographics, device type they are using, and other factors. Bing Ads also has location targeting which allows you to reach users within a certain distance from your physical location (store, office, etc.)

Bing’s algorithm is also different from Google’s. You can use negative keywords to steer clear of targeting irrelevant searches and exclude certain websites so your ads will not appear there. This alone makes Bing Ads a lot better than Adwords because you can keep your ad costs low by preventing wasted clicks.

Finally, Bing Ads does not have a monthly budget minimum like Google Adwords. This is perfect for any business with smaller marketing budgets because you can set your daily, weekly, or monthly budget to $0.


What You Need to Know About Bing Ads

Bing is certainly catching up to Google; however, the search engine still lacks many of the features that are available to advertisers on Adwords. For example, Bing does not have dynamic keyword insertion or ad scheduling, which are two key benefits Google offers to its customers.

Additionally, Bing ads lack many advanced targeting features that you will find on Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, you should focus your paid search efforts primarily on Google, and supplement it with Bing Ads to expand your marketing reach.


Why Do I Need a Local Business Listing?

A search engine, such as Google or Bing, is an incredibly powerful tool that can direct a large amount of traffic to your business. Unfortunately, for businesses without an online presence, the vast majority of these people will not be able to find them. When you add a local business listing on Google, the search engine will learn about your company and increase your chances of showing up for relevant searches.

Also, studies have shown that 92% of consumers use online search engines to research local businesses before they visit their site. As a result, it’s important to be present on these platforms if you want to attract the right customers.

How Bing Ads Differs From Google Adwords

How Bing Ads Differs From Google Adwords

When creating an ad in Bing, it’s important to note that there are some subtle differences compared to what you will find on Google Adwords. For example, the maximum account spending limit for Bing is $2,000 per day compared to $25,000 for Google. Also, the AdWords conversion tracking feature is not available on Bing Ads.

Instead, your conversions will be tracked automatically by the Bing ads platform if you connect it to your Adwords account. If you don’t have an Adwords account yet, simply sign up here to get started.


Targeting Options in Bing Ads​

If you want to target potential customers, then you need to consider using custom audiences in Bing ads just like Facebook and Twitter. You can target users who are interested in your products or services by creating a list of email addresses for people who have already purchased from you. If someone has already spent money with your business in the past, there’s a good chance they will do so again.

Bing has also recently launched its own version of advanced targeting which gives you even more options to reach potential customers. For example, you can use Bing location targeting to increase your campaign reach by including locations such as:

  1. The country you operate in
  2. A specific city, location or postal code
  3. Within a certain radius of your physical location (office, shop, etc.)

Today, Bing mobile ads account for more than 30% of ad clicks. To take advantage of this trend it’s important to use the mobile app extension targeting option.

The Bing Ads user interface is very similar to Google Adwords; however, there are some subtle differences that you should be aware of. For example, the main menu on the left side of the screen (similar to Adwords) has fewer options than its counterpart. Also, when you click on “Tools” in Bing ads, you will see that it’s significantly shorter than what you find in Google Adwords.

There are also some subtle design differences, such as the language used. For example, if you hover your cursor over an image ad on Bing, you should see a button that says “Repin to board.”

Related Products: Buy Zeropark Ads Account

Buy Bing Ads Accounts

The best way to buy Bing ads account is through a 3rd party company, such as Adwords.com. They will take care of all your needs, from helping you create your first ad campaign to managing the clicks and conversions automatically.

In order for this to work seamlessly, you should set up a connection between your Adwords account and Bing Ads. If you haven’t created one yet, it only takes a few minutes and will allow you to easily track clicks and conversions from Bing to Google Adwords. Take a look at this manual that explains how to set it up.



If you’re looking to create a successful marketing campaign, it’s important that your company is present on all major search engines. In this article, we’ve discussed how Bing Ads differs from Google Adwords and highlighted some of the differences in targeting options available with each platform.

The next step for any business owner should be to buy ads account through 3rd party companies who can take care of everything from ad creation and management to tracking clicks and conversions automatically by connecting accounts together. If you would like help setting up an account or have questions about which option might work best for your needs, please contact us today!



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